13 July 2015

Fabulous TPT Conference 2015!

Las Vegas and TPT!!!
That was some serious energy. I was able to witness first hand what it's like to be part of a teaching world that's so much bigger than I could have ever imagined.
TPT has opened the doors for new growth on so many levels. I started out buying units from teachers on TPT and a few months ago I decided to jump in with both feet and see if I could create products others would love to use. It's a slow start that takes a lot of time and creativity. Crazy as it may sound, I love that part of it. What I love best is that I can make things for my own personal use and get the best feedback on each item. My kiddos are very opinionated helpful and that really motivates me to do a better job. I value their feedback and have full trust in them.
Now, about the conference.... The friends I've made from all over the world, the other creators I've followed for the past few years and the entire gang from TPT, made this trip so worth while (not losing money at the Wheel of Fortune slots~ ugh.. I'm fine, really). I left there with a new insight on how to move forward and reach my goals. I learned what to do and what not to do. I learned more about social media and how to go about using it correctly. But most importantly, after attending all of my workshops, I truly believe I am heading down the right path. That alone excites me!
I know there is a wealth of information out there on #tptvegas15, so I'll let you go for now. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog.
My promise to you is...... I will continue to grow, add more stories, post useful tidbits and of course, new products, so check back often.

Follow this link to view more on TPT Las Vegas Conference 2015.
TPT Conference Linky Party


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!

    1. Thank you, I really did! It was so much fun and inspiring!!

  2. So fun to read your post!
    I loved meeting you and look forward to seeing you next year!
    xo Pam
    Hedgehog Reader

  3. How exciting...great time and full of learning!
    The Techie Playground 

  4. I love it! That darn Wheel took me too! It was so much fun to talk to others who "think" like we do! Can't wait for next year! Wendy 1stgradefireworks 1stgradefireworks

  5. I did not gamble one time, but I did watch my roomies do it! It was fun to watch.
