
Flexible seating the reveal!!

I am so excited to share the pictures with you all. My kiddos love their new classroom and the feedback has been positive. Thank goodness...

So, my favorite part of the room has to be the Cafe! Yes, I will have a cafe sign and some little lights at some point. But, they just didn't make it in the room before school started. To be honest, my cafe itself almost didn't get completed before school started.
My sweet hubs made the fence and painting it was a challenge. I decided to spray paint it, and it decided to rain... for an entire week. Ugh! So on Sunday morning there was a little sunshine and I painted. Very quickly. The fence had just enough time to dry too. My brick wall, out of stock. I almost didn't use it and am so happy I did though.
We have such high ceilings, so hanging fun stuff from them was not an option. So the hubs came back and hung a very strong fishing line from corner to corner. Needless to say, one corner kept falling. But, he fixed that too. So after a crazy week of teacher meetings, teacher work days, and lots of rain.... my room was finished, and I couldn't be happier!!

After many months of planning, here it is!!

I really love how it turned out!! Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. My next post will be on organization and my first week. I learned a lot each day.

Thank you all for staying with me during this journey!!

Flexible seating makeover Week 3-7ish!!

I got so busy with the makeover I forgot to post this. Yikes!!

Oh my! I’m so excited! Room set up has begun. This was a long process. 

Before starting, I had to visit my fabulous family in Washington. I was able to relax, work, create, and come up with a few more designs for the class. Once again, thank you mom!! Now that it’s August I can actually start putting this together. We got the email that the floors are waxed and we have access to the building. So I better be careful moving all of this furniture. Second trip to Ikea is planned and BOY do I have some new items on my list. Don’t worry, you’ll see!!

So let’s share my thinking room in Washington. Yes, the back porch and their back yard. I was out there every day and night. This is my summer retreat, so to say. But, with two days to go, my mom and I came up with a new area in the classroom that will not disappoint. 
Dad and I picked lots of fresh fruit from the trees and dried most of them. They are as delicious as they look! To be honest, there was too much to pick though. How sad. Next year I better drive up so I can bring these delicious treats home with me. Thanks papa for all of your hard work.

Ok, Ok, my room. I plan to try and set up as many little living spaces as possible. I want my kiddos to have choices and feel at home. I watched a wonderful live video while at the parents and one thing that stuck with me is, this is for the kids. Not about how cute it is. But I have to say, I think it’s about both of those things. From day one, my kids have always raved about our room and how they love the seating options. So it is about them and the cuteness. I loved how the video also mentioned giving total control to the kiddos and there is a lot of talking in his room, Always! So, I do have control issues, I admit it. I will embrace his words and go with it for the sake of the children. (insert - biting fingernails here). I can do it!!

So here's my room on day one of transformation.

I knew the first thing I needed was an empty canvas. I quietly and carefully carried all of those tables across the hall to my sweet teacher-friend's class. Yes, she wanted them. Then, placement of the rugs happened. This was a thought all along. I knew I wanted tables along the outside area of the room for the kiddos who needed them and for group projects.

I spent every day in my classroom and at night, I worked at home to finish those projects that - 

Another trip to Ikea. But, serious score here! We had four carts. My poor nieces had to ride over two hours with items all around them in the the back of the truck. I have to say, only half was mine though. teehee!!

Time to assemble... Couch, tables, stools, carts, chairs and so much more!!! I do love Ikea though!

And... finally the room starts to come together over a 2 week period. 

Check back tomorrow for the BIG reveal!!! Yes, one more post, but I promise it's worth it!

Thank you all for hanging out with me during this crazy time!
